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Promote Day Care facilities for children below 5 years by providing nutrition and play way education in a healthy atmosphere in Thiruvarur district by 2015.

  • To provide a healthy atmosphere for children below 5 years
  • To provide nutritious food and play way education to children
  • To network with Primary Health Center and provide adequate medical facilities for children
  • To conduct parents meeting every month and get the community involved in the management and monitoring of Activities, especially providing infrastructure, clean water, toilet and cooking facilities.


Karunalaya runs 25 creche centre in rural remote villages of Thiruvarur and Thiruvarur Districts and thereby 600 children have benefited. Total boys are 229 and girls are 271. At this reporting period, 196 children (106 Girls and 90 Boys) who crossed age of 5 enrolled at nearby Primary School to continue their primary education. Organised 180 Parents meetings. The meeting focused on oral polio vaccination, sanitation practice, birth & death registration, plantation around creche center, positive child rearing practices. At each creche center, children were educated with pictorial charts and by using low cost education materials that are locally available. Conducted 12 staff review meetings and discussed on the regular activities of each creche centres. Along with local Village Health Nurse assisted ANC & PNC mothers on providing iron tablets, vitamin A solution to under five children, immunisation and other health related issues at village level.